<img src="https://secure.leadforensics.com/146720.png" style="display:none;"> Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Partnership

Our Partnership with CMI

For over 75 years the CMI has worked with business and education to inspire people to become skilled, confident and successful managers and leaders. In Professional Development has been working in collaboration with CMI since its infancy when the company first launched in 2018, initially as a CMI Satellite Centre and transitioning to a full recognised CMI Centre in 2019. Becoming a centre aligns to In Professional Development’s vision to grow the course offerings and diversify the product range to provide focused learning to our students, led by our team of experts. Our courses are designed to strengthen the delegates mindset and skill set, providing them with the practical tools and strategies for implementation within their organisation.

We currently offer a wide portfolio of courses in the areas of leadership and management at both level 5 and level 7 as well as offering courses in areas such as coaching and mentoring, health and wellbeing and equality, diversity and inclusion. The flexible qualifications that CMI offers in relation to these courses are designed for those leaders or aspiring leaders in the workplace wishing to develop their skills and obtain a professional qualification. Our courses are developed for those looking for more easily accessible development pathways than the traditional academic route and working in partnership with CMI enables In Professional Development to meet this market demand by blending academic credit with industry accessible, flexible and engaging programmes.

To find out more about CMI, please click here.

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