<img src="https://secure.leadforensics.com/146720.png" style="display:none;"> Institute of Leadership and Management Partnership

Our Partnership with the Institute of Leadership and Management

The Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) is the UK’s leading specialist in leadership and management, coaching and mentoring qualifications and apprenticeships. 70,000 people register for an ILM qualification every year. More employers choose ILM programmes than any other specialist awarding organisation.

ILM believe that great leaders can come from anywhere. With the right support, anyone can grow and develop to make a real difference to their team and organisation. Which is why they help individuals from all levels to realise and apply their potential, so that the organisations they work for can reap the benefits.

As an approved ILM Centre, In Professional Development is able deliver industry-recognised, flexible qualifications that focus on workplace performance and the development of transferrable skills. Furthermore, as an approved centre we have the facility to tap into innovative design and support from Europe’s foremost leadership and management body with a strong focus on workplace performance, helping people hit the ground running by using their new skills and knowledge on the job.

To find out more about ILM, please click here.

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