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Maximising AI in Learning and Education Conference

Maximising AI in Learning and Education

In today's rapidly evolving learning and educational landscape, harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) offers an unprecedented opportunity.

This event brings together educators, innovators, and thought leaders from around the professional learning and development industry. The event is a platform for exploring the transformative power of AI in shaping the future of learning and education. Join us as we delve into the cutting-edge applications, strategies, and best practices that are redefining how we teach and learn, ultimately paving the way for more accessible, inclusive, personalised, and effective educational experiences.

We will unlock the vast potential of AI to revolutionise learning and prepare Learning and development leaders to both navigate and embrace the opportunities presented by the ever-increasing influence of AI.

Through insightful discussions, real-world case studies, and expert insights, we will navigate the uncharted waters of AI's role in shaping the future of learning and development, ensuring individuals and organisations thrive in this era of extraordinary change.

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Event Summary


1 Day

Date / Location:

1st March 2024 Wellcome Collection, Euston, London


Face to Face:


About the Event

This event brings together a diverse group of professionals interested in the intersection of AI and education, creating a rich environment for networking and knowledge exchange; Learning and Development Specialists, Professional Trainers and Coaches, HR and Talent Development Professionals, Educators, Academics and Researchers, Training Managers, EdTech Entrepreneurs and Developers, AI and Technology Enthusiasts, Learning Experience Designers, Instructional Course Designers and E-Learning Content Creators.

Expand your knowledge, network with like-minded professionals, and explore the transformative potential of AI in learning and education:

  • Gain a deep understanding of how AI is transforming learning and education through keynote presentations, panel discussions, and expert talks
  • Learn about real-world applications of AI in education and discover how to implement AI-driven solutions in learning and development processes
  • Connect with professionals from various sectors, fostering valuable networking opportunities
  • Explore the latest trends and advances in AI-powered learning technologies, tools, and platforms
  • Enhance your knowledge and understanding of the capability of in AI to enhance learning and education
  • Gain insights into emerging trends and the future of AI in education.

Session 1

08:30 - 09:00 Registration and Networking

Session 2

09:00 - 09:30 - Welcome & Keynote Address: Is AI the future of learning: exploring AI in Learning & Development?

Dr Alex Fenton – Associate Professor on Digital Transformation, University of Chester

The keynote address will provide an insightful look at the fast-paced evolution of AI in learning and development. Providing a view on how AI has already reshaped the learning and educational landscape and is driving transformative change to how we create and experience future learning and development interventions.

  • The journey so far: how has AI already reshaped the learning landscape.
  • An examination of the role and applications of AI in learning and development.
  • Predictions for the future of AI in learning and development.
  • The potential impact of AI on the workforce development.

Session 3

09:30 - 10:00 - Harnessing AI’s Potential Without Losing Our Humanity

Dr Naeema Pasha – Top 50 Worldwide Influencers on AI Ethics

This session will explore how AI has the potential to revolutionise education by personalising learning and enhancing accessibility.

  • Exploring how AI presents challenges of data bias, underrepresentation, lack of transparency, overreliance on technology and potential for exclusion.
  • As artificial intelligence continues to permeate our lives, concerns arrive about the potential for dehumanisation.
  • Over-reliance on AI-driven systems could lead to a diminished value of human emotions, empathy, and social interactions.
  • The pervasiveness of AI could also erode our sense of individuality, fostering a culture of conformity and homogeneity in education.
  • To understand how to effectively harness AI’s potential, we must embrace transparency, promote diverse representation as well as think about the potential for dehumanisation in the classroom.

Session 4

10:00 - 10:30 - Ethical Considerations in AI Education

Anna Danes – AI Ethicist

This session will explore strategies to ensure responsible AI usage.

  • Understanding how to spot the issues in AI systems that are currently in use.
  • Through examples and use cases we will analyse the ethical challenges associated with Ai in education with a specific focus on:
    • Data privacy
    • Security
    • Bias and fairness
    • Accountability and transparency

Session 5

10:30 - 11:00 - Morning break and coffees

Session 6

11:00 - 11:30 - The Role of AI in Driving Content Creation and Authentic Assessment

Professor Ian Turner – Professor in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University of Derby

This session will discuss how AI can be a useful tool for content creation within classroom resources and assessments.

  • AI can imagine lessons plans and study materials that adapt to each students’ individual needs and learning pace.
  • AI can create diverse educational materials such as quizzes, interactive simulations, and multimedia presentations.
  • AI can generate simulations and scenarios that mimic real-world situations and be applied in assessments.

Session 7

11:30 - 12:00 -  AI Edutech in Higher Education

Shan Wikoon – Senior Lecturer, London School of Science and Technology (LSST)

This session will discuss current examples of AI Edutech and the fine-tuning of AI-based educational tech ologies for higher education in the future.

  • Navigating Modern Challenges in Higher Education
    • Identifying and addressing diverse student needs.
  • The Emergence of AI in Academic Landscapes
    • Exploring AI’s current role in enhancing educational process.
  • AI in Action: Case Studies
    • A showcase of compelling and innovative applications of AI in education.
  • Future Horizons: AI’s Revolutionary Impact
    • Envisioning AI’s transformative role in reshaping higher education and future employment landscapes.

12:00 - 12:45 - Lunch

Session 8

12:45–14:15 Interactive Session – LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

Maud Duthie & Karen Cregan – University of Chester

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is a well-established method to explore ideas, solve problems and to encourage everyone to participate, contribute and commit to solutions. In this session, we take the learnings from the morning session and use the power of LSP to explore themes in more detail to uncover challenges and solutions of AI in Education.

Session 9

14:15 – Closing Session: Future Directions and Challenges

Dr Alex Fenton – Associate Professor on Digital Transformation, University of Chester

  • Summary of key takeaways.
  • Highlighting the challenges and opportunities in AI-driven education.

Session 10

14:30 – Event close

Dr Naeema Pasha

Dr Naeema Pasha

Top 50 Worldwide Influencers on AI Ethics

Dr Naeema Pasha is focusses her work on shaping the future of work and in particular on artificial intelligence and diversity. She founded the World of Work (WOW) Institute at Henley Business School, University of Reading, where she led work into looking at the impact of AI on work. She also led a groundbreaking research project on race equity in UK businesses. Naeema’s research and consulting covers change management, building caring organisations, career resilience, and GenZs in the workplace. She is a speaker and a regular contributor to media outlets, such as BBC Worklife, Forbes, and People Management Magazine, on how to transform workplaces and build ethical AI for good. She co-authored Futureproof Your Career: How to Lead and Succeed in a Changing World, which covers issues such as diversity, technology, and the pandemic. Her latest book chapter dives deep into generative and conversational AI and diversity. She is one of the Ifpc-online Top 50 Worldwide Influencers on AI Ethics and ranked 11th in the Global Top Thinkers list by HR Magazine.

Dr Alex Fenton

Dr Alex Fenton

Associate Professor of Digital Transformation, University of Chester

Dr. Alex Fenton is Associate Professor of Digital Transformation at the University of Chester and Associate Dean for International in the Faculty of Science, Business and Enterprise. Alex has a BSc, A Masters and a PhD in digital media communications and has published research in some of the world’s leading journals and books on digital transformation and digital marketing.

Shan Wikoon

Shan Wikoon

Senior Lecturer, London School of Science & Technology (LSST)

Shan Wikoon is a dedicated and innovative educator with expertise spanning across education, business, marketing, ICT, and law. As a Senior Lecturer at the London School of Science & Technology (LSST) and a Fellow of Advance HE (FHEA), Shan champions the integration of artificial intelligence in teaching. Shan holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education from the University of London and has a diverse range of experience in delivering and assisting with degree courses of three universities: Buckinghamshire New University, De Montfort University, and the University of West London.

Anna Danes

Anna Danes

AI Ethicist

Anna is an AI Ethicist who works with companies creating frameworks and practical methods to ensure responsible developments in AI. She brings her previous experience as a Remote Teams Consultant for organizations like Comcast, Infor, and the US Government to all tech companies wanting to include Ethics in their DNA. She is a firm believer in empowering the individuals in an organization to awaken their ethical imagination. With her creativity and knowledge, Anna knows how to make cultural and structural changes happen organically without damaging innovation. 

Anna holds a Bachelor’s in Humanities from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, a Bachelor’s in Communication from Universitat Ramon Llull, as well as studies of Ethics, Technology and Engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology and Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation from The University of Edinburgh. She is a Certified Data Ethics Facilitator by the Open Data Institute (ODI) in London.

Ian Turner

Ian Turner

Professor of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University of Derby

Ian Turner is a Professor of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education at the University of Derby.  He was named a National Teaching Fellow in 2014, The Royal Society of Biology HE lecturer of the year in 2017 and shortlisted for the THE innovative lecturer of the year in 2018.  Ian is passionate about game-based learning and playful pedagogies.

Maud Duthie

Maud Duthie

Programme Manager in Faculty of Science Business and Enterprise, University of Chester

Maud is a Programme Manager at the University of Chester’s Faculty of Science Business and Enterprise. She is a qualified Prince2 Practitioner and has been managing and developing capital and revenue projects for the University since 2013. Maud’s projects aim to be a dynamic collaboration that bridge the gap between academia and the business world to drive innovation,  business growth and upskilling of staff. She has completed the Lego Serious Play Train the Trainer course and actively imparts her knowledge by delivering engaging sessions for example to MBA students and at Chamber of Commerce’s networking and business events.

Karen Cregan

Karen Cregan

Senior Lecturer, University of Chester Business School

Karen is a Senior Lecturer within Chester Business School, a qualified coach and workplace mediator.  She is responsible for designing and delivering technological and educational learning interventions for current and future leaders.  She uses Lego Serious Play in Education and Business environments to stimulate conversation, generate innovative ideas and promote teamwork.  

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